The book will be useful to those doing basic research in the theory of repeated games and reputations as well as those using these tools in more applied research.
Meanwhile, our leaders in Washington have done little to mitigate this threat. In Why You Should Give a Damn About Economics, business executive and former CPA Leslie A. Rubin explains why this pressing issue matters to every American.
This volume of expository essays is written for them. It explains in a simple style various tests for the existence of unit roots and how to estimate cointegration relationships. Original data are given to enable easy replications.
This reader encourages students to appreciate the power of the market, including specific examples and addressing questions on whether markets actually work well and offering evidence that market failures are not as serious or as common as ...
It integrates the history of economic prediction, the new work of behavioral economists, and the fruits of the author’s own remarkable career to offer a thrillingly lucid and empirically based grounding in what we can know about economic ...
Therefore, by purchasing this book, you are also doing good: The publisher is financially and personally involved in socially relevant projects such as tree planting campaigns, the establishment of scholarships, sustainable living ...
Non, répond Jean-Marc Daniel, plaidant ici pour une troisième voie entre la destruction progressive et irrémédiable de la nature et celle, tout aussi irrémédiable, de la liberté, notamment celle d’entreprendre.