inauthor:"Rorden Wilkinson" from
In addition, this new text: explores the development of the multilateral trading system from the creation of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) in 1947 to the WTO’s Hong Kong ministerial in December 2005 examines the way in ...
inauthor:"Rorden Wilkinson" from
This is an unsustainable state of affairs to which the blockages in the Doha round provide ample testimony. So far only piecemeal solutions have been offered to refine this flawed system.
inauthor:"Rorden Wilkinson" from
The book moves beyond the ubiquity and imprecision that has plagued the term and offers an intellectual framework with the potential to improve both thinking and practice.
inauthor:"Rorden Wilkinson" from
This book explores the significance of the establishment of the World Trade Organisation (WTO), as well as some of the issues brought into sharper focus by the Seattle demonstrations of 1999.
inauthor:"Rorden Wilkinson" from
This edited book provides critical perspectives on the role of these institutions and how they use their policies, procedures and practices to manage global political, socio-economic, legal and environmental affairs.
inauthor:"Rorden Wilkinson" from
These are produced with ever greater frequency, particularly at pressure points in the DDA's negotiations, with a view to garnering forward momentum towards greater liberalization.
inauthor:"Rorden Wilkinson" from
We argue that while the Bali ministerial is significant and the agreements reached important, the conclusion of the meeting and the package agreed represents only a limited movement forward in addressing the fundamental problems and ...